Life Enrichment

Diversity Equity and Inclusion in the Workplace (bfet)

This course is meant to provide some new perspectives and information about Diversity, equity, and inclusion. It is not meant to show all of the concepts or topics, but a jumping off point for further research and practice! Throughout the course please feel free to use whatever resources you need to help you along the way. Don't be afraid to have another internet tab open to do more research on any topic if it will be helpful!
  • Diversity Course Intro.mp4
  • Before Continuing.mp4
  • Testing the Waters
  • Testing the Waters Intro.mp4
  • The danger of the single story
  • Single Story Reflection
  • Intro to Definitions.mp4
  • Definitions.mp4
  • Getting Your Feet Wet
  • Intro to Diversity.mp4
  • Diversity at Work.mp4
  • Equity Intro.mp4
  • Equity vs Equality.pptx
  • Interpretation.mp4
  • Equality Vs Equity video Interpretation
  • Inclusion Intro.mp4
  • Inclusion and exclusion
  • Diving Right In
  • Diving Right In Intro.mp4
  • The isms.mp4
  • The urgency of intersectionality
  • Unconcious Bias Intro.mp4
  • Implicit Association Test
  • Challenging Assumptions.mp4
  • Citizenship test
  • Test Debrief.mp4
  • Further information
  • Reflection Questions.mp4
  • Congratulations you have finished the content of this course.pptx
  • Survey
  • DEI survey
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever