Life Enrichment

TC Futures Relationships (rela tcfutures)

This course is meant to provide some new perspectives and information about relationships. It is not meant to show all of the concepts or topics, but a jumping off point for further research and practice! Throughout the course please feel free to use whatever resources you need to help you along the way. Don't be afraid to have another internet tab open to do more research on any topic if it will be helpful!
  • Relationships Course.pptx
  • Welcome to Relationship Course.mp4
  • Before Continuing.mp4
  • Testing the waters
  • What Makes a Good Life.mp4
  • The good life
  • A note on lonliness.mp4
  • BRAVING tool intro.mp4
  • BRAVING assignment
  • Getting your feet wet
  • Professional Relationships Intro.mp4
  • Building Healthy Work Relationships
  • Professional Relationships Activity Intro.mp4
  • Workplace scenarios
  • Diving right in
  • The 5 Love Languages.mp4
  • Love languages video
  • Relationships Review.mp4
  • Relationships review
  • Survey
  • Congratulations.pptx
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever