Job Search

Job Search - Getting Started

In this course, we’ll cover the basic things you’ll need to get started with your job search the right way, so that you can spend less time “looking for work” and wondering where your online applications are going, and spend more time doing the work you love.

We’ll cover everything from figuring out the type of work that will work best for you, to the practical things you’ll need to have and need to be doing to get there.
  • Introduction
  • Introduction
  • Introduction
  • 101 | What You Want
  • 101 | Title
  • 101 | Introduction
  • 101 | What You DON'T Want
  • 101 | What You DO Want
  • 101 | Career Assessments
  • 101 | Putting it all Together
  • 101 | What You Want - REVIEW
  • 102 | What You Need
  • 102 | Title
  • 102 | Introduction
  • 102 | Master Resume
  • 102 | Targeted Resume
  • 102 | Targeted Resume - How to Target
  • 102 | Targeted Resume - Easy to Read
  • 102 | Targeted Resume - Achievement Focused
  • 102 | Targeted Resume - Sample
  • 102 | Targeted Resume - Sample (continued)
  • 102 | References
  • 102 | Other Good Things to Have
  • 102 | What You Need - REVIEW
  • 103 | Who to Know
  • 103 | Title
  • 103 | Introduction
  • 103 | Online Research
  • 103 | Informational Interview
  • 103 | Who to Know - REVIEW
  • 104 | What to Do, Course in Review
  • 104 | Title
  • 104 | What to Do, Course in Review
Completion rules
  • You must complete the units "Introduction, Introduction, 101 | Title, 101 | Introduction, 101 | What You DON'T Want, 101 | What You DO Want, 101 | Career Assessments, 101 | Putting it all Together, 102 | Title, 102 | Introduction, 102 | Master Resume, 102 | Targeted Resume, 102 | Targeted Resume - How to Target, 102 | Targeted Resume - Easy to Read, 102 | Targeted Resume - Achievement Focused, 102 | Targeted Resume - Sample, 102 | Targeted Resume - Sample (continued), 102 | References, 102 | Other Good Things to Have, 103 | Title, 103 | Introduction, 103 | Online Research, 103 | Informational Interview, 104 | Title, 104 | What to Do, Course in Review"